
Little Giant


If you need a rugged, do-it-all ladder, Little Giant Ladders has the perfect piece of climbing equipment for you: the Velocity® articulating ladder. This lightweight, multi-position, articulating ladder will help you get stuff done faster and more efficiently than the average stepladder.

Model No. Model ANSI Duty Rating Stepladder Size Min – Max Stepladder Highest Standing Level Min – Max Stepladder Max Reach* Extension Size Max Extension Highest Standing Level Min-Max Extension Max Reach Storage Height Storage Depth Weight
15417-002 17 ft Type IA 300lb. 4′ 6″-7′ 6″ 1′ 11″-4′ 10″ 11′ 3″ 15′ 5′ 9″-11′ 7″ 18′ 1″ 3′ 7″ 8″ 34 lbs.
15422-002 22 ft Type IA 300lb. 5′ 6″-9′ 6″ 2′ 11″-4′ 10″ 13′ 1″ 19′ 7′ 10″-15′ 6″ 22′ 5′ 7″ 8″ 41 lbs.
15426-002 26 ft Type IA 300lb. 6′ 6″-11″ 6″ 3′ 10″-8′ 7″ 15′ 1″ 23′ 9′ 9″-19′ 4″ 25′ 10″ 6′ 7″ 8″ 57 lbs.
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